Friday 08 March, 2024

Teacher and student Insight into the relationship between guru and disciple.

 The teacher-pupil man says: - Work hard with me and I'll give you everything. Divine Master said to the disciple - I made you wait for God. Do not linger, come with me to Him. An excellent spiritual teacher one whose eyes - the inviolability itself and the heart - the very forgiveness. Whoever takes you to the students on your terms, can never be a true Master. Not a spiritual teacher, and the Almighty it deserves devotion seeker and accepts it. He is the representative of God here on earth, and therefore each heart as He speaks carefully, as your own. I love your teachers. It's a short path to spiritual progress. Believe in your Master. This is a shorter path to spiritual progress. Listen to your teachers. This is the shortest path to spiritual progress. There is no better way for the student to serve his Guru, than to listen to his advice.


Sunday 31 December, 2023


Monday 25 December, 2023


Friday 22 December, 2023


Thursday 09 November, 2023


Monday 06 November, 2023


Friday 13 October, 2023


Tuesday 22 August, 2023


Thursday 08 June, 2023

Spiritual teacher (spiritual teacher, Guru)

Learner able to need to learn and it is necessary to prepare; all life - is the preparation of a Disciple. Everyone is eager to learn more than the teachers want to attain. A person should reach a point where honestly tell myself: "I want to gain knowledge that even if the teacher is not, anyway, I'll pupils; I am ready to accept all that life can give, and let life speak of himself in the clear I form through intuitive human or other creature, I am ready to take on all the living space, it will give me. " That's when the teacher would come and lead to knowledge.


Sunday 14 August, 2022
