"Autobiography of Yoga" Paramahansa Sri Yogananda

Thursday 02 March, 2017

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"Autobiography of a yogi" refers to those rare books that, in addition to carrying certain knowledge, are also capable of revealing the mind and heart of the reader. Before you a vivid example of spiritual literature. And he was not written by a journalist or a foreign writer, but by an original Indian, a real yogi. This work reveals the most important spiritual wealth of this beautiful and ancient country.

Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) wrote an autobiography, and thanks to this, the West got acquainted with such Indian heritage as yoga and meditation. And now, after more than fifty years since the publication, this work does not lose its relevance. The book remains on the list of spiritual bestsellers. And in 1999 it was recognized as one of the hundred most important spiritual works of the twentieth century.
Paramahansa Yogananda describes her invaluable experience in seeking a teacher, and also talks about her meetings with many Indian sages. Here you can read about his impressions from acquaintance with such outstanding personalities as Saint Sri Anandamoyi Ma, Teresa Newman, Mohandas Gandhi, and Luther Burbank (the famous American botanist).
However, do not expect that you have to read just an autobiography, seasoned with reference information on yoga poses. "Autobiography of Yoga" is a unique study of the art of deep meditation. And also a detailed account of the saints who seriously influenced the life of the author.

The autobiography sheds light on Yogananda's relationship with his guru Sri Yukteswar. This interesting storyline has immense value, because it shows the true relationship of the student with the teacher as a whole.
About 20 chapters Paramahansa Yogananda devoted to describing various miracles. He even makes an attempt to explain their nature from a scientific point of view.
It can be said that for today it is the only existing detailed story about the spiritual and life path of one of the most famous Yoga Teachers.
"Autobiography of yoga" is unique also due to its accessible form of narration, as well as the fascination of the presentation of the material. Here you will find a lot of wise statements of enlightened sages, who can be guided safely in their lives. This work will be extremely useful to all who embarked on the path of spiritual development.
Quotations from the book "Autobiography of Yoga" Paramahansa Sri Yogananda
"Attachment dazzles, she puts on the object of desire in a halo of attractiveness."




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