The scientific rationale for using emoticons

Wednesday 12 April, 2017

Dear players! On the eve of the start of spring-summer remote games, we added our smiley, new animated (moving) smiles.
New smiles you can find in the text editor for writing messages in the sections:

  • Animals
  • People
  • Koloboks
  • Other

 The first documentary use of ":-)" dates back to 1982. A symbol from several punctuation marks was proposed as a conditional marker for jokes on the bulletin board in one American college and since then changed our communication on the web forever.
If you doubt whether emoticons are appropriate in personal correspondence, we have prepared several really valid arguments in their favor.

  • The reaction of a person to a smiley does not differ from a reaction to a real person
    If you did not have a strictly good conversation face to face, there is a great alternative! Scientists have found that when you read a message with a smile on a person, the same parts of the brain are activated as in real communication.
    "Smileys are a new form of transmission of unreal messages, to which our brain reacts as well as ordinary speech" (Dr. Owen Churches, school of psychology at Flinders University, Adelaide)
  • Smiles are allowed even in the working environment
    You probably heard that it's not professional to use emoticons in working correspondence, and in general it is not accepted. This is still true for certain industries and government agencies, but they also appear in official correspondence in the light of the fact that there is no concrete protest.
    Here is the conclusion of the University of St. Louis, Missouri, on this issue: "In the cold and highly informative media space of working messages, the use of smiles creates a positive environment and influences the development of personal and friendly relationships."
  • They mitigate the impact of criticism
    Workplace research has shown that in specific cases of negative feedback or criticism from superiors when using smiles, employees are less likely to experience negative emotions and are much more willing to correct their mistakes.
  • They help you look more friendly and competent
    A study was conducted in which ordinary people and experts in certain areas participated. As a result of the polls, it turned out that people willingly appropriated a high rating to those specialists who used emoticons in communication, rather than those who avoided them.
    Also during the experiment it was found that those who communicated with "friendly" experts, remembered for 30% more of the written, proving the beneficial effect of smiles in the correspondence on the ability to memorize.
  • They increase the positive attitude in the workplace
    Researchers have long known the fact of a negative interpretation of messages, which initially did not carry a negative color. In view of the lack of emotionality of such messages, they can be slightly "diluted" with a couple of ridiculous faces. Then the accents will be placed more literally and this will improve the relations of colleagues and the working atmosphere in general.
    It is very easy to confuse a simple formal message with a request or question with a claim or even a mockery. Especially fraught with the consequences of this misunderstanding in large companies with distributed offices. It's quite difficult for a caller to call someone by phone, but it's not difficult to do this in a letter, and this will not only lower the tone of the message, but will also add efficiency to employees because one smiley sometimes replaces several sentences.
  • They bring a good mood
    Well, finally, there is another reason to add emoticons to your online vocabulary. Scientists have found that a reasonable proportion of emoticons in general increases tone and good mood. People are pleased to see positive feedback on their posts, but the effect is increased many times when using smiles.
    In conclusion, we want to note that with the growth of social media and the development of technologies, people are looking for ways to hear and be heard through the methods of communication in the network. Gradually we will bring communicative abilities in on-line vocabulary to a new level and smileys is the beginning of a more friendly and responsive society.



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12.04 10:08

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12.04 09:23

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